03 May

Your Guide to Brushes and Combs

Various brushes and combs on hairdresser's table

Alright men, we need to talk about your brush. You may think that your regime starts and ends at the shop, but perfecting your look is an ongoing battle. Your hair is like a fingerprint –– it is unique to you. Your shampoo, conditioner, and product are all important when working with your hair, but did you know that your brushes and combs can also make a difference?

Choosing a Comb

There are two big factors when determining what comb to get: the width and material. The width of the comb really comes down to you. Do you have thick, coarse hair? Then you’re going to want a comb with wide gaps between the teeth to help detangle. Is your hair finer? Then using a comb with small teeth will be good for styling. Depending on your type of hair and problems you might be dealing with, choosing between material can also make a difference.


If you’re going for the classic look, then plastic combs really are the way to go. They’re affordable, come in a variety of sizes, and can be found in any pharmacy across the country. Whether you’re looking for a new staple to your medicine cabinet or a quick fix, plastic combs are there.


Wood combs have been making a comeback recently as the preferred comb for beards. Why? Well, for one, wood is a natural deterrent for static electricity. That means you run less of a risk of your hair coming out as wiry than you would from using a plastic comb. Wood is also naturally great at distributing oils. Perfect for people who might be looking for a way to spread those balms and conditioners.


If you want your regime to be as stylish as you, then metal combs are definitely a showstopper. That said, they don’t have benefits to themselves outside of that. Metal combs might be too harsh for some more sensitive scalps and they can get pricey to boot.

Finding a Brush

Brushes can seem a bit more complicated –– as you’ll notice more options than with combs –– but it comes down to the same idea. Brushes that have more space between their bristles are good for thick hair, while brushes with less space are good for fine hair. This can already help you determine what brush you should reach for before you even look at the material.


Natural brushes are most often made with boar’s bristles and are packed tightly together. If you’re a guy who likes to have his hair do its own thing, natural brushes are great for smoothing it out and giving it a general shape. Similar to using wood, they’re also good at distributing oils in your hair without stripping them. These kinds of brushes are also great for guys that keep it short.


Synthetic brushes are typically what you may think of. These are the “paddle” brushes you see often with the round-tipped, plastic bristles. If you’re someone whose hair is easily tangled, getting one of these is perfect to work out those knots and style it into place. If you prefer to have longer hair, then you might find these brushes work better than natural alternatives.


Brushes that mix plastic and boar bristles are called “combination” brushes. These aim to be the best of both worlds, but ultimately you have to figure out what works best for you. If a combo is right then these are a great choice, but you may find that one-half of the brush isn’t doing the trick.

When to Use One or the Other

Now, with all that information thrown at you, how do you decide between brushes and combs? Well, that is the hardest answer. Everyone’s hair and style are unique. If you’re going for something tight and styled, you’ll want a comb; if you keep your locks on the longer side, then you’ll probably need that brush. Whatever you do, our team at Dapper Gents has got you covered. If you need help perfecting the look or don’t know what product to use, then visit us today.